html{-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;} a church of Christ at Lassen Street, North Hills California

Welcome to a church of Christ at Lassen Street



Come visit us for worship, and grow with us through Bible studies.

We encourage you to browse through our pages and get acquainted with our family.

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16324 Lassen Street
 North Hills, CA 91343
phone icon    (818) 892-0533


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Initial install February, 2016

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There are many scripture references throughout this site.

For a desktop:
When the mouse is hovered over a scripture,
the text of that scripture will be displayed in a "box" on the screen.
If you would like to see that scripture in the bible on the internet click on that scripture in the "box".
The "box" will disappear when the mouse leaves the "box".

For IOS - Safari - ipad and iphone:
Touch the scripture for the "box" to appear.
If you would like to see that scripture in the bible on the internet, touch the scripture in the "box".
To remove the "box" touch outside the "box" and it will disappear.

The material found within this web site is free to everyone. The price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.
Feel free to use any of the content found within this web site for the spreading of the Gospel.

References to other web site material has be approved by them.
Therefore, if you find that we have plagiarized anything let us know and we will seek approval or remove it.

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